Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Different types of advice related to computer network

I know that there are people who will give you so much computer advice, you will walk away thinking that they have a computer tech support company or are qualified as a computer consultant.
What I found, was when you actually ask them what they do for a living, you will hear that their career has nothing to do with computers, online tech support or even computer repairs.

There are thousands of places to find computer advice. Start with the main topic you are looking for. You may be searching for laptop help, how to find support for your notebook repairs and so on.
My advice would be to put in specific keywords into your search engine search bar. I hope you are still with me here. Specific keywords are words that are specific to your topic. A good example would be the particular name and part number of the laptop or notebook you are searching for.

Places to find good information are:

1. The Internet
2. Article directories on the Internet
3. Physical Magazines at your Grocery stall.
4. A book from your Book store.

The Internet is a power full tool, but having said that, the information is sometimes a little distorted, so watch out here. But sometimes through the internet there are some unwanted adware, malware or virus  coming through it. To remove virus completely from your PC there are some powerful and efficient adware removal software. The next places are article directories on the Internet. Here the information is OK, but what I found is that information gets distributed around the website and changes from its original state, just like word of mouth.

On the Internet, information is handed around freely, and this is a big concern as I think the value and this information loses its original state. If you are looking for Computer Advice, computer network support Internet Advice or any other advice, make sure you look in the correct places and not from people who just talk for the sake of talking.

Hope by reading this blog you have come to know at least little bit about Computers,Internet and Antivirus Software programs.

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